
Jessica tuck twitter
Jessica tuck twitter

jessica tuck twitter

Even before the first conversation, one can gain insight into the mind of a mentor online via a review of tweets and not be constrained by the time limits of in-person interactions. Twitter may paradoxically encourage more human connection than traditional mentoring relationships. 15, 16 Twitter provides an opportunity to more evenly distribute mentorship among URMs in medicine and to mass-mentor or coach multiple individuals simultaneously due to its public accessibility. 13, 14 Underrepresented faculty at less diverse institutions may also feel overburdened in the task of improving diversity by taking on heavier workloads in mentoring, advising, and outreach, often referred to as the minority tax. This may be especially beneficial for URMs or women who feel they lack adequate mentorship at their home institutions. 12 Importantly, these connections are not hampered by distance. Twitter can also expand one's pool of mentors and perspectives by serving as a vehicle for access to information and education, career opportunities, different perspectives, and communities of support. 10 #BlackMenInMedicine, for example, had a more than 10-fold increase in usage during the #ShareTheMicNowMed campaign on June 26, 2020.


Additionally, given these persistent gaps in representation, campaigns such as #ILookLikeASurgeon, #BlackMenInMedicine, and #DocsWithDisabilities are important steps in promoting visibility of physicians not conforming to stereotypes, and they can also be used by mentees to find others with shared experiences, derive encouragement, and develop professional connections. Twitter decreases both of these barriers by flattening the hierarchy and removing the pressures of clinical and academic evaluation from interpersonal relationships. Fear of approaching someone with more power in a hierarchical system might also make finding a mentor challenging.

jessica tuck twitter

8 Fear of deviance from traditional standards of performance 9 may discourage URMs or women from seeking mentorship, limiting the potential for professional growth. 7 This lack of diversity is particularly striking for Black men, who, according to a 2018 report by the Association of American Medical Colleges, make up only 2.3% of active US physicians. 6 More than half of all medical students are now women, although only about 34% of US physicians and only 15% of deans and department chairs are women. Despite making up over a quarter of the population of the United States, underrepresented minorities (URMs) make up less than 13% of all students enrolled in US MD-granting medical schools. Medicine remains a field steeped in hierarchy and plagued by inequity and a lack of diversity. “She got lupus and didn’t properly take care of herself, and that eventually led to her death.”įor more on what your favorite OLTL stars are up to now, keep reading the ABC edition of Soaps In Depth magazine.Diversity, Inclusion, and Hierarchy in Medicine “I feel that the writers were good about clarifying that Megan wasn’t dying from lupus,” the actress maintains. Tuck remains proud of the impact that the story had and especially of the message it imparted. “And the fact that Megan died in Jake’s arms… There was a finality to it. “At every turn, it was expected that ‘Oh, this is what’s going to save her.’ Then ‘Oh God, this is what’s going to save her,’” Tuck said. Jake had it transplanted to the hospital where he decorated it with Valentine’s Day hearts, and carried Megan to a window to see. Together, the lovers remembered their wedding day and the tree they’d planted outside the church. “I didn’t want to show a lip-gloss version of what it means to be at end of life, because I felt that would be disrespectful to those who actually were suffering.” “I remember saying, ‘Not only do I not want makeup, but I actually want you to put dark circles under my eyes, and I didn’t wash my hair,” Tuck shared. Sadly, the transplant didn’t take, and Jake made it back home to find Megan near death. “Megan’s passing was emotional for me because OLTL had become my home,” Tuck recalled.

jessica tuck twitter

“There was a mother/daughter dynamic at play there,” recalled Tuck, adding that the show “addressed the question of, ‘How does that get pushed on when one of the people in the dynamic is facing a deadly situation?’” Unfortunately, Megan didn’t follow precautions and wound up needing a kidney from Viki.

Jessica tuck twitter